
Have You Been To Jail For Justice ?

Anne Feeney
Lingua: Inglese

Anne Feeney

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(Anne Feeney)
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(Anne Feeney)

Lyrics and music by Anne Feeney
Testo e musica di Anne Feeney

yeeLa canzone "Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" ("Siete stati in prigione per la giustizia?") è la canzone della disobbedienza civile di oggi, sulla linea della tradizione di Henry David Thoreau, e celebra l'eredità della resistenza nonviolenta.

E' stata cantata dal celebre trio Peter, Paul and Mary durante il concerto di omaggio allo scomparso Harold Leventhal in occasione del Giorno del Ringraziamento del 2003 alla Carnegie Hall di New York, come si può vedere nel film dell'evento, "Isn't This a Time".

La chanson "Have You Been to Jail for Justice ?" (Avez-vous été en prison pour la justice ?) est la chanson de la désobéissance civile d’aujourd’hui, dans la ligne droite de la tradition de Henry David Thoreau et célébrant le legs de la résistance non-violente.

Cette chanson a été chantée par le célèbre trio Peter, Paul and Mary durant le concert d’hommage à feu Harold Leventhal pour le Thanksgiving Day de 2003 au Cernegie Hall de New York, que l’on peut visionner dans le film du concert "Isn’t This a Time".
Was it Cesar Chavez ? Maybe it was Dorothy Day ?
Some will say Dr. King or Gandhi set them on their way
No matter who your mentors are it's pretty plain to see
That, if you've been to jail for justice, you're in good company

Have you been to jail for justice? I want to shake your hand
Cause sitting in and lyin' down are ways to take a stand
Have you sung a song for freedom? or marched that picket line?
Have you been to jail for justice? Then you're a friend of mine
You law abiding citizens, come listen to this song

'Cause laws were made by people, and people can be wrong

Once unions were against the law, but slavery was fine
Women were denied the vote and children worked the mine
The more you study history the less you can deny it
A rotten law stays on the books til folks with guts defy it

The law's supposed to serve us, and so are the police
And when the system fails, it's up to us to speak our peace
We must be ever vigilant for justice to prevail

So get courage from your convictions
Let them haul you off to jail!

inviata da Adriana e Riccardo - 26/8/2006 - 01:00

Lingua: Francese

Version française de Fausto Giudice, de Tlaxcala, réseau de traducteurs pour la diversité linguistique. Cette traduction est en copyleft.

« Était-ce César Chavez ? Ou peut-être Dorothy Day ?
Certains diront : c’est le Dr King ou Gandhi qui les ont mis sur la voie.
Peu importe qui vous a inspirés, ça fait plaisir à voir.
Que si vous avez été en prison, vous êtes en bonne compagnie.

Avez-vous été en prison pour la justice ?
Alors je vous serre la main.
Car croupir là est une manière de se dresser.
Avez-vous chanté une chanson pour la liberté ?
Ou participé à ce piquet ?
Avez-vous été en prison pour la justice ?
Alors, vous êtes mon ami !
Vous citoyens respectueux de la loi, écoutez cette chanson !

Les lois sont faites par des gens et les gens peuvent se tromper.

Dans le temps les syndicats étaient contre la loi, mais l’esclavage c’était OK.
Les femmes n’avaient pas de droits e les enfants bossaient à la mine.
Plus vous étudiez l’histoire, moins vous pouvez nier ça.
Une loi pourrie reste en vigueur tant que des gens comme nous ne la défient pas.
Les lois sont supposées nous servir, et la police aussi.
Et quand le système échoue, c’est à nous de parler pour la paix.
Ça demande une vigilance éternelle que de faire prévaloir la loi.
Alors, puisez votre courage dans vos convictions.
Laissez-les vous embarquer en taule !

inviata da Adriana e Riccardo - 26/8/2006 - 01:03

Lingua: Inglese

Le parole nella versione cantata da Peter, Paul and Mary

Was it Cesar Chavez or Rosa Parks that day?
Some say Dr. King or Ghandi
Set them on their way
No matter who your mentors are
It's pretty plain to see
That if you've been to jail for justice
You're in good company

Have you been to jail for justice?
I want to shake your hand
'Cause sitting in and laying down
Are ways to take a stand
Have you sung a song for freedom
Or marched that picket line?
Have you been to jail for justice?
Then you're a friend of mine

You law abiding citizens
Come listen to this song
Laws are made by people
And people can be wrong
Once unions were against the law
But slavery was fine
Women were denied the vote
While children worked the mine
The more you study history
The less you can deny it
A rotten law stays on the books
'til folks with guts defy it!

Have you been to jail for justice?
I want to shake your hand
'Cause sitting in and laying down
Are ways to take a stand
Have you sung a song for freedom
Or marched that picket line?
Have you been to jail for justice?
Then you're a friend of mine

Well the law is supposed to serve us
And so are the police
When the system fails
It's up to us to speak our piece
We must be ever vigilant
For justice to prevail
So get courage from your convictions
Let 'em haul you off to jail!

Have you been to jail for justice?
I want to shake your hand
'Cause sitting in and laying down
Are ways to take a stand
Have you sung a song for freedom
Or marched that picket line?
Have you been to jail for justice?
Then you're a friend of mine
Have you been to jail for justice
Have you been to jail for justice
Have you been to jail for justice
Then you're a friend of mine

6/2/2021 - 00:04

6/2/2021 - 00:02

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