

Public Service Broadcasting
Lingua: Inglese

Public Service Broadcasting

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If War Should Come
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Dall’EP intitolato “The War Room”, scritto e prodotto da J. Willgoose, Esq
Il disco è dedicato alla memoria di George Willgoose (1914-1940), un parente dell’autore, morto durante la battaglia di Dunkirk (o Dunkerque) del maggio-giugno 1940.

The War Room

Poi nell’album “Inform - Educate - Entertain” del 2013

Inform - Educate - Entertain

Il duo londinese Public Service Broadcasting crea brani di musica elettronica campionando i contenuti di vecchi film e documentari di informazione e propaganda, con l’obiettivo di “insegnare le lezioni del passato attraverso la musica del futuro”… Un’operazione suggestiva…

Propongo il brano nello spirito con cui – credo – l’abbiano campionato i Public Service Broadcasting, cioè il delirio dell’uomo che vorrebbe emulare la natura, e in questo caso il volo di un uccello, ma è capace soltanto di creare un perfetto simulacro d’acciaio che “respira fuoco e sputa morte e distruzione”, the Spitfire bird, l’uccello sputafuoco…

The birds fly a lot better than we do
See how the wheel and bank and glide: Perfect
All in one
Wings, body, tail – all in one
Someday, I’m going to create a plane that flew just like a bird

It isn’t exactly a bird I’m creating, is it?
At least it’s a curious odd bird
A bird that breaths fire and spits out death and destruction
A spitfire bird
A spitfire bird

Faster, always faster
What a strange looking machine
You can’t see a spit in the air without getting a kick out of it
Why it is like a bird
A spitfire bird
A spitfire bird

It’s tiring stretching out for something that’s just out of reach, but I’ll get it
After all, what I want isn’t as easy as all that
It’s gotta do four hundred miles an hour
Turn on a sixpence
Climb ten thousand feet in a few minutes
Dive at five hundred without the wings coming off
Carry eight machine guns

Hello Hunter Leader, Hunter Leader
Bandits approaching Beachy from southeast; angels one-five, over
Bandits are now about three to four miles south of Beachy
You should see them any minute; they’re down sun of you
Hello Hunter Leader, Hunter Leader; flight plan control calling
Can you see them? Can you see them?
A spitfire bird
A spitfire bird

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 2/9/2014 - 11:23

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