
Home Fit for Heroes

Martin Carthy
Lingua: Inglese

Martin Carthy

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Parole di Les Barker (1947-), poeta di Manchester.
Musica di Martin Carthy.
Interpretata da Norma Waterson nel disco di Les Barker intitolato “Some Love”, con June Tabor, Roy Bailey, Eliza e Martin Carthy, Chris Harvey, Ken Nicol e molti altri

Some Love
They died in their millions,
Young men at the Somme;
And with them died their dreams
For the world they'd come from;
A dream of basic freedoms,
And for that they gave their lives;
Now all that's left are widows
Wondering when it all arrives.

Here's your home fit for heroes,
Here's the brand new dawn,
If you make it through the winter,
If you wrap up warm.

Heat and light and comfort,
Security and health;
All will be provided
If you pay for it yourself.
It's a warm and caring country
If your purse is always full;
If the war left you a widow,
Better buy yourself some wool.

Here's your home fit for heroes,
Here's the brand new dawn,
If you make it through the winter,
If you wrap up warm.

It's just your misfortune
Your husband can't provide;
He might have made a living
If he hadn't gone and died.
Knit yourself some mittens,
Knit yourself some socks;
Save up for your funeral
'Cos we won't buy the box.

Here's your home fit for heroes,
Here's the brand new dawn,
If you make it through the winter,
If you wrap up warm.

Here's your home fit for heroes,
Here's the brand new dawn,
If you make it through the winter,
If you wrap up warm.

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 30/4/2015 - 08:49

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