
Birthday Boy

Pet Shop Boys
Lingua: Inglese

Pet Shop Boys

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Birthday boy
can't explain
Christmas Eve
He's born again

On the line
a broken train
going nowhere
Endless rain

Birthday Boy
so afraid
plays the machines
in the arcade

Oh baby do you remember
he's been through all this before?
Spent the summer
getting nowhere
Taking all of the blame
for the city
from pain comes pity

Christmas Eve
a time of joy
if you believe
in Birthday Boy

This time around
it's all a mistake
Is he deluded
or just a fake?

Oh baby do you remember
he's been through all this before?
Spent the summer
getting nowhere
Taking all of the blame
for the city
from pain comes pity

If you knew his name
would you feel the same?
If you knew his name?

Birthday boy
stands apart
as the drama's
about to start

A quick betrayal
A speedy trial
As before
complete denial

Oh baby do you remember
he's been through all this before?
Spent the summer
getting nowhere
Taking all of the blame
for the city
from pain comes pity

If you knew his name
would you feel the same?

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 11/9/2015 - 09:44

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