
Saigon Bar-Girl

Gail Dorsey & Emily Gould
Lingua: Inglese

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Parole e musica di Gail Dorsey & Emily Gould
Pubblicata su Broadside #87

saigon bar girl

Una ragazza vietnamita costretta a servire al bar i soldati USA e forse anche a prostituirsi.

I'm a Saigon Bar-Girl
G.I. Joes are my living
And I'm only good at taking
what they are good at giving

But which way should I look for him?
Which way should I look for them?
Americans are all around
But they all look the same to me

Tho' some are darker than others
And they eyes slant in different directions
Three said they'd try to take care of me
Pay well for my easy affection

When I came here those boys were my answer
Nights of bourbon & baseball & bets
And I supported one baby easy
On the money for cigarettes

But three are a different matter
Tho' the Diem one lives in the streets
The Kai one's learning to walk now
The Ky one's still wetting the sheets.

Well, I hope this war's never over
And I say it with no regrets
For no Vietnam man I know of
Will keep me in cigarettes

Well I am a Saigon Bar-girl
G. I. Joes are my living,—
The Americans who burned my village
'Cause we all looked the same to them.

19/10/2016 - 23:37

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