
Lingua: Inglese

L'Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo e la Piccola Orchestrina del Costo Sociale

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Corona Rap
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Inno dei Terrapiattisti
(L'Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo e la Piccola Orchestrina del Costo Sociale)

Parole del Webmastro
Musica di Paul McCartney

Il webmaster del sito e flautista (dolce) nella Piccola Orchestrina del Costo Sociale contribuisce per la prima volta al repertorio del gruppo con questa rivisitazione di una celebre canzone dei Beatles che parlava di una ragazza di 17 anni che scappava da casa. Ai tempi del coronavirus invece in casa bisogna restarci senza mettere il naso fuori!

Abbey Road a distanza di sicurezza

La canzone originale è tratta da Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band ma per illustrarla abbiamo scelto invece un recente détournement di un'altra storica copertina dei quattro di Liverpool.

Assembramento pericoloso!
Assembramento pericoloso!
Wednesday night at ten o'clock the president speaks
"We have to make sure all the shops stay closed
otherwise the virus will get rid of us"
She goes down the stairs to the kitchen and closes the door
Quietly turning the backdoor key
Going back inside, she is locked

She (The virus changed our lives)
Is staying (Sacrificed most of our lives)
Home (now I feel everything's like in a war)
She's staying home after having such fun (Bye-bye)
For so many years

People think it's a holiday and go skiing in France
Gather in groups and then go for a beer
She breaks down and cries at the window, You assholes, stay home!
Maybe destroying our Public Health
was not a smart thing to do

She (We never thought of the danger)
Is staying (Thought it was just like a flu)
Home (and now we wait in a line all the day to get bread)
She's staying home after having such fun (Bye-bye)
For so many years

Friday morning at nine o'clock she's in quarantine
Regretting about the appointment she made
Meeting a man from Codogno that day

She (What did we import from Far East!)
Is getting (Tobacco shops are not closed)
Bored (At least from Italy now Pornhub is free)
Staying inside to protect her own life (Bye-bye)
For so many days
She's staying home (Bye-bye)

inviata da Lorenzo - 12/3/2020 - 18:57

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