
Jim Crow

Almanac Singers
Lingua: Inglese

Almanac Singers

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From the songbook "The Anti-fascist Songs of the Almanac Singers".
The Anti-fascist Songs of the Almanac Singers

Ricordo che "Jim Crow" è uno dei vari stereotipi del razzismo (un po' come "Zio Tom" o "Bingo Bongo" o "Zì, Buana", per intenderci). Nello specifico, il nomignolo "Jim Crow" è da far risalire a "Jump Jim Crow", canzonetta popolare del 1828 di tal Thomas Dartmouth (T.D.) "Daddy", un cabarettista bianco che la interpretava truccato da afroamericano ("blackface makeup")...

"Jim Crow Laws" erano, non per nulla, chiamate le leggi segregazioniste in vigore negli USA dal 1876 al 1965.

Trovata questa paginaqui.

La canzone fu eseguita dal grandissimo baritono afroamericano Paul Robeson in un suo concerto a Kansas City, il 18 febbraio 1942.
Lincoln set the Negro free --
Why is he still in Slavery?
Why is he still in Slavery?
Jim Crow!!

This is a land we call our own --
Why does the Negro ride alone?
Why does the Negro ride alone?
Jim Crow!

When it's time to go to the polls --
Why does the Negro stay at home?
Why does the Negro stay at home?
Jim Crow!

When it's time to go to the war --
Why does the Negro march alone?
Why does the Negro march alone?
Jim Crow!

Freedom for all is what is said --
Free to suffer till he's dead!
Free to suffer till he's dead!
Jim Crow!

This is a Land of Democracy --
Why isn't everybody free?
Why isn't everybody free?
Jim Crow!

If we believe in Liberty --
Put an end to slavery!
Put an end to slavery!
Jim Crow!

inviata da Alessandro - 31/10/2008 - 09:01

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